Sunday, March 1, 2009

CRCB - Chapter 10


Textbook marking is the process of marking and labeling that aids in understanding text. The minimum items to be highlighted are the main idea, important details and new vocabulary. I personally like to highlight words that bring me to important points, such as when a term is first used. Topics brought up in lectures and lab classes should be noted in the textbook. Question marks may be used to mark what is unclear and page numbers may be used to refer to other parts of the text. I use a color code process to link multiple terms to their respective descriptions and illustrations. For example, I use one color to highlight an artery and its branches.


1. What was the main purpose of the article?

The main purpose was to expose the practice of sex slavery in Afghanistan.

2. What does “lifting the veil” in the title mean to you?

“Lifting the veil” means showing the world what al-Qaeda and the Taliban are doing to degrade women.

3. Who is lifting the veil?

The author is lifting the veil.

4. The author said that Afghanistan made a mockery of the claim that the brutal restrictions placed on women were actually a way of revering and protecting them. What did the author mean in this statement?

The behavior of the Taliban was brutal and degrading, certainly inconsistent with any claim of protecting women.

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