Sunday, March 1, 2009

CRCB - Chapter 5


Finding the main idea is important to understanding an author’s writing. This is different from the topic, but the two are closely related. For example Barak Obama may be a topic but his positions may be the main idea. There are supporting details, such as his voting record and quotes. It is the job of the reader to put together these details to form an impression. Look for word clues that support, contrast and emphasize. Main ideas can be explicit or implied.


1. The wasp has to provide her egg with

A live tarantula.

2. Which of the following statements is true?

Each species of pepsis require a certain species of tarantula, and the wasp will not attack the wrong species.

3. What happen after the wasp digs a grave?

The wasp feels the tarantula once more with her antennae.

4. What happen after a wasp drops a spider into the grave?

She stays by the grave.

5. How does the tarantula species survive?

The tarantulas have more babies than the wasps.

6. What is the main idea from the excerpt?

The wasp attacks and paralyses the tarantula in order to reproduce.

7. What does the tarantula do when the wasp explores it?

The tarantula is tolerant.

8. How does the wasp attack the tarantula?

The wasp forces the tarantula into a corner, grabs a leg with her jaws and thrusts the sting into a soft spot, injecting poison.

9. Why doesn’t the wasp kill the tarantula completely?

The wasp needs the tarantula to survive to provide food for her offspring when it hatches.

10. What answer does the author give for the tarantula’s unusually compliant behavior?

No clear answer is available, but it may be that a tarantula is not inclined to attack unless cornered.

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