Monday, May 4, 2009

CRCB Chapter 1


Reading is a form of communication using written language, meant to induce thought Concentration is required to get the most out of reading. This is a discipline of “making the mind behave” that gives reading and learning with a purpose. This makes reading an active process. Active reading involves making use of prior knowledge. Reading journals and other books helps expand this knowledge. A reading journal is an active learning task, helping you to understand how you learn by showing where the difficulties are. Concentration is purposeful focus and blocking out of distractions. Learn what your internal and external distractions are.


1. Copying down everything the professor says.

P – Most professors don’t expect you to write down everything they say. Active listeners listen intently and choose carefully what to take notes on.

2. Revising lecture notes.

A - Revising notes makes them easier to understand and formats them in a more efficient way.

3. Reviewing sections of your textbook and reciting information.

A – This helps you to reinforce what you have learned.

4. Reading each chapter straight through.

P – Reading straight through will cause loss of concentration and you may not ask important questions.

5. Always begin by previewing each chapter and developing questions to help you focus.

A – Previewing will help you be more involved and prepared to connect ideas.

6. Testing yourself on the information in your notes.

A – This is an excellent way to reinforce you knowledge.

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