Monday, May 4, 2009

CRCB Chapter 14


The Internet is a powerful tool, once a luxury, now a necessity. You can learn about virtually anything, but you cannot trust every internet source. It is important to question what you read. Reading critically on the Internet requires the use of 2RCA – Relevance, Reliability, Credibility and Accuracy. To find a relevant source, you must first define your topic. You must understand your purpose in order to identify key words that you will use to find the best sources. If you use too many keywords, you will get too many possible sources, so keep the keywords to the essential ones. Once you have located several relevant sources, check them for reliability, credibility and accuracy. It is best to be an “open-minded skeptic”, keeping in mind that not everything printed is true. Facts can seem weird, but be true, or seem reasonable and be false. There are several websites that vet other site for accuracy, such as Consider the source. Check for supporting documentation. Ask yourself if the site is up to date and is the site easy to navigate. When I look for information on the Internet, I often go to well-known websites that have solid reputations. I avoid site that make fantastic or outlandish claims and crosscheck new sites against established, reliable sites.


Evaluate the website http/

1. What is its title?


2. What is the main idea of the article?

The main idea is to sell cloning to the public.

3. What do you already know about the topic?

I know that cloning is a very difficult process. There are many failures for every successful clone in mammals, because the implanting of DNA into an egg is very difficult, the clone grows to size many times grater that normal before birth and the biological clock of DNA is not reset by cloning as occurs in normal reproduction. Cloning of humans is unlikely to have occurred.

4. Explain why it would or would not be a good site to use as a source. Provide examples to support your conclusion.

I would doubt the reliability of this site for many reasons. First, it operates in several third world countries, where regulation would be nonexistent. Showing a baby implies that humans can be cloned, for which there is no documented proof. Fantastic claims are made, including a guarantee of quality, custom or “designer” cloning, fast delivery and no paperwork. This site is obviously a scam.

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