Monday, May 4, 2009

CRCB Chapter 8


An author chooses a method of organization according his purposes. Organizational patterns include listing, comparison and contrast, analysis, definition and example, cause and effect, and sequence. These patterns each have their own organizational word clues. For listings some examples are first…second, first of all…second, the four levels of…, and one way…another way. Analysis would use features, properties, characteristics, and aspects. For cause and effect, since, because, consequently and affect may be used. Comparison and contrast use however, although and like. Definition and example use is, decipher and translated as. Sequence uses word like first, then and next. Using such words fits different logical patterns in writing. Awareness of these methods can help a reader better understand the material.


1. What was the author’s grandmother’s greatest asset?

Her bound feet

2. Why did the sight of bound feet have an erotic effect on men?

Because a woman’s vulnerability brought out a feeling of protectiveness in others who looked at her

3. Why did the grandmother’s mother stick a cloth in the grandmother’s mouth?

To make her stop screaming

4. Based on the reading, the author seems:

Regretful that she could not protect her grandmother

5. According to the author, how long did the process of foot binding last?

Several years

6. According to the author, what would happen when the mother took pity on her daughter and removed the binding cloth?

The daughter would consider her mother weak after enduring scorn

7. How did the practice of foot binding come about?

A concubine of the emperor probably suggested it

8. How would describe the author’s feelings about the practice of foot binding in her family?

The author felt that this practice was cruel

9. What can you infer about the relationship between a husband and his wife in Chine during her grandmother’s youth?

The mother-in-law would be a figure that could interfere with the husband and wife

10. What was the main idea of the reading section?

To show the cruelty of foot binding

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