Monday, May 4, 2009

CRCB Chapter 11


The old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” is true. Visual aids are helpful because most people learn visually. They are learning aids, used to support the main idea by enhancing and clarifying the text. There are many different types of visual aids, including charts and tables, diagrams, illustrations, graphs and photographs. Charts and tables present a large amount of data in an easy to read format. Diagrams show connections between ideas. Illustrations show parts and sections of anatomy and objects. Graphs make large amounts of information easily accessible. Mind maps are a recent innovation, which are created in a free-form style. I use mind maps to connect ideas and organize thoughts for school compositions.


1. According to the excerpt, drug therapy is defined as

The control of psychological disorders through drugs.

2. Which of the following best describes synapses?

Sites where nerve impulses travel from one neuron to another.

3. Antipsychotic drugs are

Used to reduce sever symptoms of mental disturbance.

4. Which of the following types of drugs are most frequently prescribed by physicians?

Antidepressant drugs

5. _______ is a drug use to treat bipolar disorder.


6. One of the biggest changes to occur in mental hospitals was due to the introduction of ______.

Antipsychotic drugs

7. Antianxiety drugs eliminate the anxiety a person experiences. True or false?


8. St. John’s Wort is a drug that has proved effective in treating depression. True or false?


9. Antidepressant drugs were discovered by accident. True or false?


10. Drug therapy works by altering the operation of neurotransmittors and neurons in the brain. True or false?


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